HMP 3.2 makes it easier to communicate with your employees working from home

Under the Hood: Haivision Media Platform Version 3.2

Streaming live corporate video to audiences outside of the corporate network is now more important than ever. Communication, especially through video, is key to keeping employees engaged while ensuring business continuity.

With the latest software version of Haivision Media Platform, 3.2, delivering video to your employees just got even easier. Let’s go ‘under the hood’ to explore the new features that give Haivision Media Platform (HMP) increased flexibility to deliver high-quality video securely to employees no matter where they are working from.

Haivision Media Platform

A powerful and easy-to-use solution to manage and securely deliver live corporate content and broadcast television channels to all employees – everywhere.

External Video Player

Embeddable players from third-party video platforms, such as Microsoft Stream, can now be embedded within live sessions for playback directly within the HMP user interface. This makes it easy to stream live corporate communications to large audiences outside the corporate LAN (such as employees working from home.)

With this new feature, once users have signed-in and are authenticated into the portal, HMP determines, based on the user’s location, whether to provide the live stream from the external player over the internet, or from HMP across the corporate network. Rather than putting excessive strain on corporate network’s outbound or VPN bandwidth, video can reach home-based employees by using CDN-based delivery. This is critical during exceptional moments, when many more employees are working from home.

Watch the video walkthrough below to see how to leverage Microsoft Stream within HMP to deliver live video to all employees.

Source Location Filtering

In addition to supporting the External Video Player feature, Source Location Filtering is a new feature that allows administrators to limit access to IPTV video content (or any other content) based on a viewer’s location. By limiting access based on geographical location, HMP ensures adherence to regional distribution rights, location routing policies and any other regional restrictions that may arise when providing live video to users inside or outside of the corporate network. Security-conscious admins will appreciate the ability to ensure that video cannot leave authorized network segments and can only be accessed from select locations.

Role-Based Toolbar Customization

Generally, while all employees need access to the content in your enterprise video platform, not all employees require administrator or content contributor access. Manage and simplify the HMP user experience by customizing which toolbar menu items are available to different user types, based on permissions. HMP 3.2 enables granular access control by defining the level of access to HMP features (such as Library or Scheduler) needed by a specific user. HMP 3.2 creates more streamlined experience for your average users.

Stay up to date with the latest in video streaming technology.

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Haivision Media Platform

Haivision Media Platform is an end-to-end multi-site live video distribution platform that delivers high-quality video securely to all of your employees anywhere, on any screen, and is flexible enough to facilitate business continuity in challenging times.

Want to learn more? For more information about Haivision Media Platform, contact us for a demo or to request a datasheet.

Ready to get started?

With Haivision Media Platform, you can use video to bring your team together, securely and easily delivering corporate content to your employees, regardless of where they are.

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