Watching enterprise video from home ensuring business continuity

Using Video Streaming to Facilitate Business Continuity – Important Tips to Remember

One of the advantages of the digitization of the workplace has been the ability for employees to work from home – a great boon for business continuity. However, for many organizations, having all employees suddenly transition to working from home – especially in stressful and unforeseen circumstances – can be a challenge. 

Communication is the key to keeping the members of your organization securely engaged and connected. And one of the best ways of communication is with video – especially when sharing mission-critical company updates to everybody. In this post, we will discuss important considerations when using video as a tool for communicating, engaging with, and reassuring employees. 


Flexibility is a hallmark of business continuity. Having a communications tool that can scale to meet changing needs while providing a sense of consistency can have a dramatic effect on how well your organization thrives in unpredictable situations. 

An enterprise video solution that can be securely accessed from both the office and remotely is an excellent tool for business continuity. It enables your internal communications team to easily share video, while making these communications both accessible and familiar to employees. But to be successful it needs to scale to support surges in users accessing live video streams from home over the public internet. 

Flexibility goes beyond reaching your audience anywhere. Unpredictable office closures can also mean that you are no longer able to broadcast from the office and will be forced to stream your video from a home office. Being able to not only watch, but contribute video streams remotely, can make a colossal difference to your organization’s ability to communicate with employees. 


The quality of your video is as important, if not more, than the content of the communication. It is (although simplified) common knowledge that the majority of communication is non-verbal. This means that if you wish to use video to reassure your employees that your organization will continue to support them, and your business is secure, it will be more believable if it looks like a well-produced corporate event. 

Maintaining video quality can be a challenge, especially if you are unable to broadcast from the office when production equipment is available. Internet speeds in most home connections are defined by download speed, not upload speed. And in most homes, the latter tends to be sub-optimal for high-quality video workflows. (Most people aren’t broadcasting from their homes on a routine basis.) Using a transport protocol like SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) can ensure that you are still delivering great video over an unpredictable internet connection. 

SRT Video Streaming Protocol

Learn more about the open-source SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) streaming protocol and how it can help you send the best quality video even over unreliable networks.


In terms of business continuity, security is often a challenge. It is much easier to manage information security in a single office than with a distributed workforce. And when unforeseen circumstances arise that are already challenging your organization, the last thing you need is a security breach when unauthorized users get access to live streams

Using a secure enterprise video solution like Haivision Media Platform can address these challenges. Employees always sign in securely to access live streams and videos on demand, and your team can manage access with permissions to limit who can see what. Organizations using Haivision Media Platform can further improve security measures by employing the SRT streaming protocol, which features AES 128/256 bit encryption to ensure greater content protection. 

Haivision Media Platform

Video is an excellent way for organizations to communicate – it lends a more human aspect to corporate messaging, and done correctly, can help to create a sense of continuity and consistency when the world outside seems to be unpredictable. And that sense of consistency will go a long way to fostering business continuity while your organization adapts to changes.

If your business is looking for an enterprise video solution that is secure, flexible, and can ensure quality video even in challenging circumstances, Haivision Media Platform Enterprise Edition may be right for you. Learn more about how Haivision Media Platform can enable high-quality communications for your organization.

Haivision Media Platform – Enterprise Edition

Haivision Media Platform is a complete enterprise video solution that delivers high quality video securely to all your employee's devices, and is flexible enough to facilitate business continuity in changing conditions.

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