Globelynx live remote interviews

Globelynx Revolutionizes Remote Live Interviews with the Port-A-Cam

A serious financial situation happens (e.g. the plunge of oil prices), you turn on the news and an anchor is interviewing an analyst from a major bank like HSBC – immediately getting their opinion and insight into the situation at hand. Many people might take this kind of expert analysis for granted. After all, how difficult or expensive can it be to do remote live interviews for broadcast TV as soon as there’s a breaking event?

The complexity of live interviews

In fact, it can be pretty complex and expensive to do these interviews without sacrificing quality or latency. Fortunately, companies like Globelynx have simplified and streamlined the process in getting remote contribution, and live interviews to major broadcasters. In Globelynx’ case, they’ve created a fairly ingenious box, called the Globelynx Port-a-Cam (amongst other offerings).

The Globelynx Port-a-Cam is a complete mini broadcast system, with a high quality camera, lighting, microphones, and of course, a Haivision Makito X encoder to send the video, at the lowest latency, while maintaining great picture quality. Makito X works especially well in this application because of our sub 75 millisecond encoding, price/performance and incredible quality at lower bit rates.

Before the Globelynx/Haivision option existed, many financial analysts would have to use mini broadcast studios which their companies made available to set-up so they could do live interviews from their offices. However, for the non AV-savvy or broadcast technology types, it can be really e intimidating and time consuming to set-up.  The other option to do  remote content is to send a broadcast van, which can add significant cost to the process.

In today’s world of 24 hour news, live coverage, and content everywhere, it’s never been more important to get expert opinions extremely quickly. Broadcasters are looking for ways to stand out and bring value to their viewers and we think Globelynx has brought a lot of convenience to getting expert opinions on the air.

Live interviews are all about making connections (quickly)

And, on the other side of the coin, the company who offers their experts for broadcast commentary win too. When a financial institution offers its expert opinion, it adds a tremendous amount of trust and value to the brand, and builds awareness about the company. With the Globelynx solution, it’s never been easier (or quicker) for companies to connect with broadcasters and  get their opinions out. When a company is a member of the Globelynx network it gets global coverage from news agency everywhere.

At Haivision we’re really excited about the Globelynx Port-A-Cam and network. It’s a well thought out system which allows more analysts to share their expert insights and experiences.

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
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