live event streaming

5 Reasons Your Next Live Event Needs to Go Off Without a Hitch

All hands meetings are a great way to keep employees informed and engaged, plus today’s workforce expects video to be a part of any major announcement. But, with great video comes great responsibility. That’s why we’ve put together 5 reasons why you’re next video all-hands or town hall meeting needs to go off without a hitch.

  1. Everyone’s watching. An all-hands by the company CEO is watched by at least 50% of your workforce when the event is live. Imagine if you’re the CEO of a large pharmaceutical company discussing the latest company news and the audio begins to cut out while you announce a breakthrough new drug.

  2. You’re employes are used to it. Unless you’re living on the moon or in an underground cavern, Youtube, Vimeo, Hulu and Netflix all stream flawlessly. Your company videos need to do the same.

  3. You want your workforce to focus on the message, not the medium. Imagine a video which is always buffering, and stuttering, your teams will be more concerned with the player’s loading bar than what is being said on camera.

  4. Your CEO/executive won’t be happy. You think presenting execs will be happy if you’re live event has issues? Don’t incur the wrath of your executive team by using a less than adequate video platform for your next live internal event.

  5. You’re organization is known for its ability to execute. What does it say about your brand if you can’t successfully broadcast a live all-hands internally? Although media experts know how difficult it is to navigate enterprise network topology, your average employee won’t understand the nuances between ABR, multicast/unicast or firewall traversal. The old adage applies very well when it comes to enterprise video: “You know you’re doing your job well, when no one notices.”

The expectation to execute on your next internal live event couldn’t be higher. If you’re familiar with video streaming tech, you know that consumer video technologies have been leading the industry for years, but many employees don’t realize how much more complex an enterprise video solution is.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to select the best enterprise video platform solution to make sure you get high quality, live and on-demand content to every employee, in every office. Get in touch with Haivision today to see if our enterprise video platform meets your internal live event needs.

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