Haivision Poll Results: COVID-19 is Accelerating the Transition to IP

Did you catch our recent live webinar, Haivision Technology Update earlier this month? Aimed at providing a glimpse into our new products, features, and the vision for the future, we took the opportunity to poll attendees about a few different topics. Here’s one result that jumped out at us:

COVID-19 IP Transformation

More than 150 broadcast and media professionals, from broadcast and system engineers to solutions architects, technical directors, and CTOs participated in the poll. Participants came from across the globe with the largest representation coming from North America, followed by Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and South America.

The State of IP Transformation

The poll results underline the findings of Haivision’s 2020 Broadcast IP Transformation Report released earlier this year which identified that transitioning to IP was the biggest challenge that broadcasters faced. The survey also highlighted that although most broadcasters are already transforming their workflows with IP technology, there is still a long way to go, with 40% of respondents confirming that they were not using any IP technologies in their facilities.

During the webinar, 70% of respondents also said that they were using the internet for transporting live video for contribution over fiber, satellite, and MPLS. Clearly the ubiquity of broadband internet combined with current circumstances had led to increased use of IP networks for broadcast contribution.

A majority of poll respondents are streaming video from one location to another, whether for contribution, collaboration, and distribution of live content. 55% regularly use the RTMP video streaming protocol, next is UDP (52%) closely followed by SRT (51%).

The reality of unexpected disruption and the forced adoption of working from home as a result of COVID-19 is kicking IP transformation into overdrive. Haivision broadcast customers like the NFL and Fox Sports are far more willing to experiment with remote IP-enabled workflows as they are vital to their success.

Behind the Scenes with Haivision

To shine a spotlight on how its customers are leveraging our technology to rethink their workflows and overcome the challenges of a distributed workforce for remote production, Haivision is launching the Behind the Scenes Webinar Series.

The first webinar in the series is the Customer Spotlight: Live with Fox Sports on September 22, 11 am ET with special guest speaker Brad Cheney, VP Field Operations and Engineering at Fox Sports. Brad will explain the unique challenges posed by transitioning to a remote production model with a distributed team and how ultra low latency and extremely reliable Haivision technology enabled his team to efficiently operate and manage its live video workflows remotely.

Customer Spotlight: Live with Fox Sports

Hear from Fox Sports about how innovative workflows and cutting-edge video technology are powering its live sports remote production.

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