SRT Tuesday Webinar Series

Webinar: A Series with Comcast, Eurovision Services, NFL, Live X

Are you ready to harness the power of SRT?

SRT Tuesday is a series of virtual events hosted by Haivision, Microsoft, and the SRT Alliance featuring the latest innovations using the SRT open source protocol. Attend and learn how you can leverage SRT for today’s challenges of streaming low latency, high quality video over unpredictable internet connections.

SRT Trailblazers: How Comcast & Eurovision Services Rely on SRT for Contribution & Distribution

In this webinar, major media companies and SRT trailblazers, Comcast Technology Solutions and Eurovision Services will share details of their SRT implementations and explain the business and technology considerations that led to them to adopt the SRT open source protocol and move towards more agile IP-based workflows.

Marcus Schioler

Marcus Schioler

Vice President Marketing

Peter Gibson

Peter Gibson

Executive Director, Product

Amine Hafnaoui

Head of Operations & Engineering

Low Latency 4K over IP: Live Demos featuring SRT and Makito X4

In this webinar, our video experts delve into the critical components of 4K live contribution workflows and explain how SRT video streaming technology can help you to overcome challenges. Enjoy a live demonstration of a 4K contribution workflow, using Haivision solutions including the Makito X4 video encoder, Haivision SRT Gateway, Haivision EMS, Haivision Play Pro, and the debut of Haivision’s newest addition to its family of low latency products – the Makito X4 video decoder!

Marcus Schioler

Marcus Schioler

Vice President Marketing

Ghislain Collette, Vice President Product Management

Ghislain Collette

Vice President, Product Management

How SRT Powered the First Virtual NFL Draft

Get an exclusive behind the scenes look at the technology and workflows that helped the NFL to pull off one of its most ambitious projects yet: delivering the first ever virtual NFL Draft.

Marcus Schioler

Marcus Schioler

Vice President Marketing

John Cave

Vice President, Football Technology Solutions

Ghislain Collette, Vice President Product Management

Ghislain Collette

Vice President, Product Management

SRT 2020 Vision Webinar

Learn about the SRT roadmap, new developments and kickoff the SRT Plugfest Hosted by the SRT Alliance, and sponsored by Microsoft and Haivision, the SRT 2020 Vision webinar will give you updates on the latest SRT developments.

Broadcast Reimagined: SRT – The Simple Solution for Your Remote and At-Home Workforce

Learn how broadcasters are leveraging the benefits of SRT in their remote workflows for at-home staff for overcoming today’s challenges of crowded internet connections, firewalls, poor quality video conferencing, packet loss, and latency.

Marcus Schioler

Marcus Schioler

Vice President Marketing

Selwyn Jans

Technical Video Engineer

Corey Behnke

Producer & Co-Founder