Enterprise Video Stories

Enterprise Video Stories: How Linkedin, Microsoft and SAP Use Live Video Streaming to Strengthen Employee, Partner and User Engagement

Video engages audiences like no other medium and the use of live, broadcast quality video by some of the world’s largest enterprises has become a critical part of both their internal and external communications strategy. Video allows viewers to determine exactly what message the speaker is trying to get across by observing body language, tone and other visual cues and live video allows audiences to feel more like they’re a part of the plan; that they’re involved.

In this post, we’re sharing three examples of how some of the largest and most successful enterprises are unlocking the power of video to connect and inform their audiences and convey their messages faster and more effectively than any other form of communication.

Inspiring Ideas, Fostering Productivity and Success

Linkedin is increasingly turning to live video streaming as a cost-efficient and effective means of communicating internally with its employees and externally with its users. One example of how it does this is through its Speaker Series which features some of the world’s most inspirational, innovative and thought-provoking leaders from technology, business and culture who speak for free to support Linkedin’s mission and values around relationships, productivity and success. These events are hosted mainly in its California headquarters and occasionally in its offices around the globe where employees attend in person. Those employees that can’t be in the room, as well as Linkedin’s 400 million members who are also invited, are encouraged to participate via live stream.

Watch the video below to find out how Linkedin uses Haivision Makito video encoders for remote production.

Empowering Partners to Connect, Collaborate and Celebrate

Microsoft’s annual global partner event, Inspire, provides an opportunity for partners from over 130 countries to learn how to grow their business, hear from industry experts and share their experiences with a like-minded community. It’s an event which is so popular that last year it attracted more than 18,000 visitors from around the world and demand for many of its keynote, breakout and training sessions far outweighs the capacity of the rooms in which they are held. To solve this challenge, Microsoft live streams and records up to 30 channels of conference presentations simultaneously, throughout each day of the event and distributes live streams throughout the venue, to other adjacent hotels, and back to its production studios in Redmond for live delivery to and over Microsoft Azure.

Read more about Haivision’s simple solution to a complex network problem in our Microsoft Inspire customer success story.

Creating a Sense of Belonging, Maintaining Culture and Engaging Employees

Whether it’s a regional sales meeting, or a larger event including all employees in North America, Australia, Asia, or Europe, live streaming video is a huge part of the company culture at SAP. It’s used to ensure its employees are kept in the loop by sharing critical company news and developments in a cost-effective way. Live “all-hands” webcasts allow SAP to efficiently reach all its employees, no matter where they are located, whether it be in an office, on the road or remotely, fostering a sense of togetherness and keeping everyone working towards a common goal. One of the reasons live video is so vital is that it provides the opportunity for an interactive Q&A session at the end, which allows employees to actively participate, engage with top executives and ask questions, incentivizing more people to watch the live event.

Discover how Haivision’s portable KB Mini video encoders are powering workplace communications at SAP in this blog post.

Find out how Haivision’s enterprise video streaming solutions can help your enterprise to engage, educate and inform your viewers, read more here.

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