Harnessing the Internet for Broadcast Backhaul

Internet broadcast backhaul
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It is estimated that by 2019 video will represent 80 percent of the world’s internet traffic. While a lot of that traffic is on-demand consumption, a growing percentage is also live video. As viewers, we expect to have access to more and more content online and that means busy times for broadcasters.

To meet demand for more content without significantly increasing operational costs, many broadcasters aren’t just streaming online, they are also turning to the public internet for live video transport applications like backhaul, remote contribution and live interviews, like they are doing at the Olympics.

This is exactly why we developed our SRT video transport technology to help make low-cost, readily available internet connections secure and reliable for low latency, HD video transport. SRT brings together encryption, packet loss recovery, and network awareness so that video and other traffic can cross unqualified networks (like the public Internet).

Here are a few critical areas where SRT really shines for video transport:

It’s media agnostic

SRT is audio/video format agnostic, meaning it can transport any type of codec, resolution or frame rate. This is important because it can future proof your workflows by working transparently with MPEG-2, H.264, and HEVC as examples. It also transmits audio and metadata synchronized with your video, which makes it ideal for most data-heavy applications found in enterprise and government environments.

SRT is fast

Its latency is configurable to accommodate a user’s deployment conditions. Leveraging proprietary real-time IP communications development to extend traditional network error recovery practices, SRT delivers media with a fraction of the latency introduced by TCP/IP, while offering speed without the disadvantage (i.e. packet loss) of standard UDP transmission.

Integration with your entire video ecosystem

SRT is a compact, self-contained library with optimized processing and memory footprint, allowing for ease of integration into a variety of applications running on a range of platforms from embedded systems to cloud solutions. SRT is integrated across Haivision’s technologies – from encoders, through gateways, transcoders, and media management systems, and to our decoders, set-top boxes, soft players, and mobile applications.

Straight-forward pricing

SRT is included for free within the Haivision ecosystem of solutions. All our products have permanent licenses and, unlike other solutions, Haivision does not charge endpoint license fees, recurring fees or offer complicated quoting, pricing, or proposal processes. We make pricing even easier with pay-as-you-go cloud instances.

Firewall traversal made easy

Provisioning multiple streams across unknown networks can be a challenge. This is exemplified when trying to get a stream out from a remote event and attempting to traverse the location’s unknown firewall. With flexibility to accommodate different network configuration scenarios, SRT is firewall friendly. An encoder can call the decoder, the decoder can call the encoder and both can “meet” on the network, thus providing the flexibility to minimize IT intervention.

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