Category Enterprise (140)

Haivision discusses the various types of video technology needs, solutions, and related workflows for Enterprise level organizations.

Haivision Media Platform webinar
April 3, 2017

Five Crucial Functions for Every Enterprise Video Solution

Looking for an enterprise video platform? There are many things to consider, and there are some very crucial elements to make sure are included before you make a decision. During our recent Haivision Media Platform webinar, our vice president of product management talked about a few things that are really important when assessing an enterprise video solution for your business. In that [...]

live event streaming
April 28, 2016

5 Reasons Your Next Live Event Needs to Go Off Without a Hitch

All hands meetings are a great way to keep employees informed and engaged, plus today’s workforce expects video to be a part of any major announcement. But, with great video comes great responsibility. That’s why we’ve put together 5 reasons why you’re next video all-hands or town hall meeting needs to go off without a hitch. Everyone’s watching. An all-hands [...]