Latest SRT Alliance membership signals mass adoption of SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) for low latency video streaming workflows
AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS (IBC 2018) – September 14, 2018 – The SRT Alliance announces that Microsoft has joined the initiative supporting the SRT Open Source Project – a collaboration to continuously develop the SRT protocol and technology stack for low latency video streaming across any network.
SRT (Secure Reliable Transport), developed and pioneered by Haivision, optimizes streaming performance across unpredictable networks with low latency secure streams. SRT has been adopted by thousands of companies to get the highest quality streams to and across cloud-based video infrastructures.
Microsoft is the latest company to join the more than 140 members in the SRT Alliance, a consortium of vendors and end users founded by Haivision and Wowza. The SRT Alliance works collaboratively to increase industry-wide awareness and adoption of SRT as a common standard for low-latency video transport over the internet.
SRT, open source, royalty free, and available to everyone on GitHub, is the fastest growing video streaming movement. SRT has the support of VideoLAN’s VLC, Wireshark, FFMpeg, and the GStreamer open source projects in addition to the growing commercial support of the SRT Alliance member companies.
Microsoft is both a user of SRT within its substantial event production and streaming team and a developer seeking ways to optimize the video cloud services that it offers to clients globally.
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