Haivision Continues Record Growth in 2011; Leads IP Media Sector With New Technologies and Acquisitions

MONTREAL and CHICAGO — Feb. 15, 2012 — Haivision today announced results for its fiscal year 2011. The company has achieved another year of significant revenue growth with a 47 percent increase over fiscal year 2010, contributing to a 50-percent CAGR over the past six years. Haivision technology is focused on intelligent media pipelines that incorporate video, graphics, and metadata to help customers to build, manage, and distribute its media content to users throughout an organization or across the Internet.

Haivision has also increased its profitability steadily, ending 2011 with its 16th consecutive quarter of positive EBITDA results. “The company has fueled its rapid growth over the past six years through organically generated profits rather than depending on outside capital,” said Mirko Wicha, president and CEO of Haivision.

Supported by the company’s strong fiscal performance, Haivision has been able to successfully acquire and integrate four software companies in just over two years — Video Furnace, CoolSign™, KulaByte™, and MontiVision Imaging Technologies — each with strong complementary technology and unique market positions. The acquisitions have significantly contributed to Haivision’s end-to-end proposition within the IP media delivery market, supporting the company’s leading position in high-performance H.264 video encoding with enterprise IP video management, digital signage, and Internet media encoding and transcoding.

Haivision released three new product technologies in 2011 that are expected to contribute significantly to the company’s continued growth. The Viper™ multichannel HD video recording and streaming appliance is positioned toward opportunities in both the medical and education markets. The Kraken real-time transcoding appliance is extending the well-established position of Haivision’s Piranha™ and Makito Air™ encoding products within the military intelligence, reconnaissance, and surveillance (ISR) markets. Finally, Haivision launched HyperStream™, an Internet media Cloud transcoding service based on KulaByte software transcoding. HyperStream enables over-the-top (OTT) media delivery within the broadcast, sports, entertainment, and faith markets.

“Haivision is now unique in providing end-to-end solutions bridging enterprise and Internet media applications,” said Peter Maag, chief marketing officer of Haivision. “We deliver best-in-class technologies and associated workflows for media delivery both inside and outside of the firewall.”

“Haivision is successful due to a unique combination of market understanding, channel dedication, technology leadership, and fiscal diligence,” added Wicha. “As our recent acquisitions mature within our channels and we extend our strengths within the enterprise towards OTT and mobile solutions, Haivision is very well positioned to continue its growth across our focus segments.”

Haivision now has over 160 employees across four continents. Haivision sells its products through more than 300 market-focused OEMs, integrators, and resellers globally. Supporting the channel partners and customers, Haivision has corporate and development offices in Montreal, Chicago, Beaverton, Austin, Hamburg, Dubai, and Hong Kong.

About Haivision Network Video

Haivision delivers advanced technology for streaming, recording, managing, and distributing secure IP video and interactive media within the enterprise, education, medical/healthcare, and federal/military markets. Haivision is a private company based in Montreal and Chicago, with technical excellence centers in Beaverton, Ore.; Austin, Texas; and Hamburg, Germany. With a global sales and support organization, Haivision distributes its products through value-added resellers, system integrators, distributors, and OEMs worldwide.

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Public Relations

Jennifer Gazin
514.334.5445 ext 8309